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Your credit score and history have a bigger impact on your life than you may think. Most importantly, it plays a big role in your ability to qualify for credit cards, mortgages, auto loans and other types of credit accounts.


Since March is National Credit Education Month, we’re here with details about your credit report and credit score, and with tips to build and maintain a positive credit history.


What’s in your credit report?


Believe it or not, you have three credit reports – one from each credit bureau. Your credit report gives you a detailed view of your debt accounts and credit history. Your credit reports usually include the following information:


Personal information


The personal information on your credit report may include:


  • Your name, or any names you’ve used to obtain credit
  • Current and past home addresses
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Phone numbers
  • Current and past employment information

Your credit accounts


In this section, you’ll find all the details about your current and past (up to 10 years) credit accounts. For each account, it will show you:


  • Date the account was opened or closed
  • Account type (credit card, auto loan, mortgage, etc.)
  • Lender
  • Credit limit or starting loan amount
  • Current balance
  • Payment history
  • Collections activity

Negative credit activity


Negative blips on your credit, reported through public records, will be shown here. These may include things like foreclosures, bankruptcies and overdue child support. Some negative activities can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years.


Credit inquiries


Soft credit inquiries don’t affect your credit score, but hard inquiries will. Hard inquiries occur when you:


  • Apply for a new credit account
  • Request a credit limit increase
  • Apply for a rental home
  • Open a phone, cable or internet service account

Soft inquiries occur when you:


  • Check your own credit score or report
  • Get an insurance quote
  • Get a background check for a job
  • Get a pre-approved credit offer

You can get one free credit report from each of the three credit bureaus each year without it impacting your score. Go to to request yours.


What is a credit score for?Chart showing the credit score ranges.


Your credit score is a simplified way for lenders to judge your creditworthiness. Your ability to qualify for credit and loans is based on your whole credit report. But the better your score is, the more likely you are to get the best rates and terms.

Credit scores typically range from 300 to 850, with higher being better. Negative actions, like late or missed payments, can lower your score. Improving your credit habits can raise it.


How to build and maintain a good credit score


Here are some simple tips for improving your credit score:


  • Make at least your minimum monthly payments to lower your balances
  • Always make your payments on time
  • Only borrow what you need
  • Use more installment loans (auto loan) than revolving loans (credit cards)

LEARN MORE: The differences between installment and revolving loans


Build a positive credit report


Maintaining a positive credit history and keeping your credit score as high as possible is essential for qualifying for loans and credit cards. Whether you’re buying a car, a home, or staying prepared for a rainy day with a credit card, your credit history will play a role.


You can start by getting your free credit reports and reviewing your personal information and credit history for accuracy. Go to to request yours today.

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